2- Non-Infectious Respiratory Pathologies of the Upper Airways
3- Non-Infectious Pathologies of the Lungs and Lower Airways
4- Infectious Respiratory Pathologies of the Upper Airways
5- Lower respiratory tract infections
6- Preventing respiratory tract infections
7- Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
8- Central Sleep Apnea, Alveolar Hypoventilation, and Hypoxemia
Whether simply associated with trisomy 21, such as mucoviscidosis (cystic fibrosis), or a genuine comorbidity, such as pulmonary hemosiderosis, although these two lung pathologies are rare – indeed very rare – they need to be thoroughly understood.
In the video and accompanying technical sheet, Dr. Hervé Walti, a pediatrician at the Jérôme Lejeune Institute, tells you more. He talks about their often atypical forms of presentation – which can potentially delay diagnosis – their often more severe progression, and finally their management, which should have the same treatment opportunities as neurotypical patients.
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