Lower respiratory tract infections

2- Non-Infectious Respiratory Pathologies of the Upper Airways
3- Non-Infectious Pathologies of the Lungs and Lower Airways
4- Infectious Respiratory Pathologies of the Upper Airways
5- Lower respiratory tract infections
6- Preventing respiratory tract infections
7- Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
8- Central Sleep Apnea, Alveolar Hypoventilation, and Hypoxemia
Infectious respiratory pathologies of the lower airways are more frequent and more severe than in the general population, both in children under 5 and in adults with Down’s syndrome over 40, and are a major cause of hospitalization and mortality at all ages. The particular vulnerability of people with Down’s syndrome was sadly highlighted by the COVID 19 pandemic, for which they paid a heavy price.
Prevalence, risk factors, morbidity and mortality, main etiologies, Dr. Hervé Walti, pediatrician at the Institut Jérôme Lejeune, tells you more in this video and the accompanying fact sheet.
Discover below the presentation associated with this video on the subject of “infectious respiratory pathologies of the lower airways”.
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